Better viewing on mobile devices and other publishing enhancements
Some recent improvements you may not be aware of
by Infocouncil Team | 12th December, 2023 | Features and Benefits
Publishing Agendas and Minutes to your website is a critical part of serving and informing your community. As part of our dedication to supporting you and your governance needs, we are enhancing the Infocouncil functionality that make web publishing a breeze.
These include:
We have made improvements in the adaptability of your content to varying screen sizes and dimensions.
We have developed a Meetings Calendar function that automates the communication of council meeting dates to the public based on dates found within your papers. See for an example of this functionality at work!
There are also a host of existing publishing features you might not be aware of:
The ability to mark published minutes papers as confirmed/unconfirmed and update as necessary
With the introduction of Google Analytics 4 in July this year, we improved the search engine optimisation of your published content with the introduction of new tagging mechanisms
Better support for publishing your content to Open Cities or similar web publishing platforms
Easier publishing from Infocouncil, with the added ability to remove a previously published paper from directly within the Infocouncil system
For more information
If you’re interested in finding out more information about upgrading your web publishing services, ask our friendly Help Desk by emailing or go to