A Word From Our General Manager
Updated: Oct 21, 2022
by Infocouncil Team | June 2022 | A Message From Our General Manager
What a hugely successful Q2 we’re having in 2022!
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome 273 councils currently making up the Infocouncil family, with five joining us this quarter. Our Total Automation Solution is the only solution that can be configured to automate specific council workflows. We are the only solution that includes Best Practice Review, a top 3% NPS support service and optional cloud or on-premise platform.
Our company is matching our increased growth in revenue with an increase in new team members. We now boast a highly professional team of 22 staff, located throughout Australia and New Zealand.
We are excited to welcome our new Professional Services Manager, Joanne Illes. Jo is located in New Zealand and has been Manager Governance System Solutions – Auckland Council since 2015, where she was responsible for Innovation and development of creative solutions, including the Infocouncil solution as well as Customer Care and Change management.
Demand for our BPR review is increasing rapidly and we are now committed until November 2022. Increasing numbers of existing clients as well as councils searching for the right application have benefited from the review. We will shortly be making available some case studies for you to review and consider applicability.
As we head into the end of the financial year, we look forward to renewing your contract with us as well as welcoming a large number of additional new family members.
John Kerry, General Manager