Progress Your Process - With BPR
Updated: Aug 12, 2022
by Infocouncil Team | July 2022 | Features and Benefits
It has been extremely rewarding to perform Best Practice Reviews with our clients in recent months.
We have already identified several significant trends as being the most common challenges impacting our clients. We have summarised these below as they may well be impacting your team as well.
The Benefits of Upgrading
This has been identified as the largest single area where large productivity benefits are derived. Upgrading to recent releases provides the following important benefits:
New and existing automation functionalities identified to further eliminate manual process,
Simple fixes identified,
Reduced support requests
Please read about the new Automated Upgrade Facilities available in this newsletter which will ensure you can upgrade faster and easier.
Staff Movements
We are all aware of the increase in staff changes over the past 2 years and the challenges that councils face as a result.
BPR analysis clearly demonstrates that many new staff members are not provided training by Infocouncil team members and are taught by internal users. The identified impact highlighted by the BPR’s are,
Existing functionalities are not used correctly, creating additional work loads and frustrations,
New functionality is not being utilised.
Administrators are contacting Infocouncil support for basic help using the system.
We recommend that new staff be provided with training to improve efficiencies and existing users be provided refresher training, especially on new upgraded functionalities.
Changed Processes Not Yet Automated
Management changes and changes to Code of Meeting Practice can require a tweak to your Infocouncil automation. Over time new meetings are required and we have found that governance staff are managing these manually despite the ease of automating them using Infocouncil.
Some councils are holding meetings away from main council chambers where internet is not adequate for real time minute taking. In these cases, our offline real-time minute taking functionality has added material benefits.
If these challenges sound familiar to you, contact us to discuss the benefits of arranging a Best Practice Review of your existing usage.
Fiona Pagnozzi Client Engagement and Marketing Manager