Tips & Tricks - Previewing Report and Attachments
Updated: May 18, 2023
Preview your attachments before you compile your agenda
by Infocouncil Team | May 15, 2023 | Software Updates

The Preview function allows users to quality check their report and its attachments to see how it will look when compiled into the agenda.
It also gives users an opportunity to ensure the correct attachments are attached; they are attached and referenced in the correct order; and the report is formatted correctly.
Previewing attachments is a good business process for Authors, one last check before notifying the Authoriser.
Preview is available from the Report group of tools in the Infocouncil ribbon.

A new document is displayed with a Preview watermark, allowing users to review the content, format and attachments.
Please note that this is not an Infocouncil document, it's just a regular Word document. The Report group of tools will not be visible in the Infocouncil ribbon when this report is active.
Please also note that Publishing doesn't just have to be for the public, and that subscribers can be linked to certain publication activity. For example, this allows internal and external stakeholders as well as the media to be informed when a document is published for any meetings that they deem important to them.

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